Cervezapedia HomeBrewing Mobile App


Cervezapedia HomeBrewing Mobile App

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Cervezapedia | January 18, 2021

A must-have app for homebrewers

Cervezapedia HomeBrewing Mobile App
Los Angeles. United States

There are many cell phone applications that help homebrewers, but few are those that group a wide variety of functionality beyond doing calculations or showing the BJCP guide.

It was under this argument that we decided to create an application that would allow brewers to experiment with calculations, learn with different style guides, keep up to date with articles and news from the world of beer, in addition to being able to easily create recipes with their arrangement of hundreds of fermentable ingredients such as grains and fruit, hops and yeasts

The application includes calculators: Alcohol by Volume, color (SRM, EBC, DL), IBU, color based on fermentables. Unit conversion. The Beer Judge Certification Program Guidelines (BJCP) and the Brewers Association Beer Guidelines (BA). In addition, the Spanish edition shows articles, news and events.

Cervezapedia HomeBrewing allows to easily create recipes for which you can select an endless number of ingredients such as base and specialty malts, fruits, sugars, extracts, hops and yeasts. Each ingredient, depending on its type, shows useful information so that the brewer can experiment and create different types of beers, for example hops indicate when they should be used: Boil, Dry Hop or Whirlpool, in addition to indicating alphas. acids it contains. For the creation of recipes, it is possible to add notes that are of the utmost importance when creating a new recipe, in addition to being able to take pictures and add a list of instructions or steps to follow, along with a timer for when to prepare the beer.

This home brewing mobile application is completely free, at the moment it is only available for Android devices (download application) but it is already working on the iOS version. As of today, there are more than 2,000 ingredients available, and more are planned to be added over time. It also has recipe storage in the cloud, so users will not have to worry about losing recipes that have been so hard to create.

We invite you to download Cervezapedia HomeBrewing application and we hope that it will be very useful for all brewers, and that this will help them create more and better beers, which is what the world needs. Cheers!